
A man tying a rope for his horse, to a horse trailer
Trailer tire check up
Don’t let a flat ruin your day. Here are four ways to make sure your trailer tires are in good shape and ready to roll. ⎯ Hope Ellis-Ashburn One of the life skills my father taught me early was how to...
Shopping for a Towing Vehicle
Consider these 7 features when shopping for a vehicle that can safely and comfortably haul your horses. When it comes to hauling our horses, we all put safety first. But most of us have only so much room...
Prepare for the Worst
Frantic Evacuation in California Left Animals to Face Wildfire Alone.
For Safety’s Sake, Learn How to Read the Tires on Your Horse Trailer
When was the last time you took a really good look at the tires on your horse trailer? While air pressure is very important, it’s not the only thing that counts when it comes to tire safety. Everything...
Your Horse Blanketing Questions Answered
Wondering about fit, materials, construction or other horse blanket features? Here are some commonsense answers to all your blanketing questions.Joanne Meszoly It’s strange how the everyday practice of...
horseback riding on a fall country path
Hunting-Season Safety Guide for Trail Riders
This fall, stay safe on the trail with these five practical hunting-season guidelines. In the fall, when Rocky Mountain aspens turn brilliant yellow, hunters emerge, so practice safety while trail riding....
Equine Lameness Check
So You Think Your Horse Has Arthritis…Now What?
This article is part of our Navigating Equine Arthritis Awareness Campaign, brought to you by American Regent Animal Health. Joints make movement possible. Whether you rein, rope, barrel...
Hydration & Cool-Down Tips
Learn How To Help Keep Your Trail Horse Hydrated And Safely Cool Him Down After Your Ride. Cynthia MCfarland It’s vital to keep your hardworking trail horse hydrated and cool, especially as the weather...
Avoid a Trailer Scramble
Rebecca Gimenez PhD As you haul your horse, he must constantly adjust his body weight to keep his balance, working his muscles hard. He may even have to scramble to stay on his feet. Here, I’ll explain...
26 Horse Trailer Hacks
Clean, Organize, And Maintain Your Trailer With These 26 Handy Tips And Tricks From Horse-Hauling Pros. We’ve all stared into our horse trailers, dismayed by messy tack rooms, dirty compartments, filthy...
Transporting horses
Prepare Your Horse for a Long Haul
Before You Hit The Road For A Lengthy Trip, Get Answers To The 10 Questions I’m Most Often Asked About Trailering Horses Long Distances. You just learned about your big promotion—greater responsibility,...
Trailer Safety Do’s & Don’ts
Are you savvy about trailer safety? Check these do’s and don’ts for key reminders, then follow them for peace of mind whenever your horse is in or around your trailer. Credit: Photo courtesy of Featherlite...